Thursday 15 June 2017

Just A little about me

  Well, I guess it's time I take my friends advice and jump on this blogging band wagon. In this post I will tell you a little about me and catch you up on my life this far which has been a whirl wind of events that I will not be able to share all in one post. My life events has shaped me to become whom I am today. 

 I am a wife, and mommy to a wonderful husband who, try's his bests to encourage and allow me to follow my dreams. Even thought its been a long 5 years ( 6 this Sunday) with him and struggling to find full time enjoyable work, that he will stay at. I still love him to death. He has a passion for Hunting and fishing and love for his family that is undeniable. 

  I also have two children whom are A(9) a girl and R(6) a boy. I love my children dearly, or so I have to remind my self daily, Between the fighting and bickering. In all reality I really do love my children they are my entire world and my world definitely revolves around them. A she was such a good baby I was truly spoiled with her. When she was 3 the Dr noticed a curve in her spine and we went through months, years of x-rays and watching this spine curve and trying to figure out what type of scoliosis she had. It was not until we moved to Alberta that we figured out it was not scolosis, but Kyphosis ( hunchback) she now wears a brace, 22 of 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This has taken its toll on her and caused her a lot of grief. At a tender age of 9 she informed me she didn't want to live anymore, so now we are on this journey with her. More to come on that in future posts as well. 
R is a handful. I had pre-term labour with him at 30 weeks and spent 3 weeks in the hospital trying to control the contractions, I was given the steroid shot and also given a tour of the NICU unit in preparation of A arriving early. Thankfully her arrived at full-term, he was colicky for the first 3 months of his life. He slept in a swing that was turned on to full speed, just so we could get 2 hours of rest between feedings. Now he is outgoing and charismatic. He is loud and overwhelmed easy, He cannot stand his nails being clipped or his hair touched. I know he needs more testing to figure out what is going on with him and I will bring you along with me on that journey as well.  Between horses and hockey this mom goes non stop. I promise that there will be lots of blogs on how I did it. Last year I did weekend chores for the barn my daughters horse was boarded at, as well as being an assistant coach for my sons hockey team!! Yes I was busy. 

 I also have a horse ( my daughters horse) who is a bit of a dink to deal with on a regular basis, but we would not trade him in for the world as he has made A who she is today. We also have a dog a German Shorthair Pointer. Yes she has her very own blog as well, She wants to make sure that the kids remember all the great adventures that she has had with them. 

  So now like a typical mother, I have put my entire family before my self and you know about them, here is a little bit about me. I am approaching 30 this year and wondering where my time has gone. I do not have any great college stories, or all night drinking parties. I was a fairly conservative kid, as a teenager I had my own horses and they consumed my entire life. I never had spare time to go out and party like many of the teenagers my age did. I graduated High-school and was accepted to a local college in the Electrical engineer program, I took so much flack from my teachers in the first 2 weeks that I quit that program and took Early Childhood Education, I completed the first semester and low and behold A arrived. Her dad found out and cheated on me the next week and that was the end of a 5 year relationship. I got a job until she was born, after she was born I deiced to be a single stay at home mom.That did not go so well, to say the least. I have been on welfare and broke beyond belief, you name it I have been there. I met my husband when A was just 1.5 years old. After a short period of dating we were engaged, I attempted to go back to school and take my Early Childhood Education over and made it through an entire year this time before getting pregnant with R. My hobbies are sewing, crocheting, I love horses as much as A, honestly though as a mother my hobbies are my kids and husband :)

  My goals with this blog is to update you every evening on what happened throughout my day, I know that there are many of you out there that can relate to me. Please, I want you to comment and ask questions, give advice, Let me know if you like my blog. I will talk to you like I talk to a friend and I will not censor or sugar coat it. I look forward in getting to know each and everyone of you 

Your Friend, Mom of 2 Sue 

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